Good game, poor translation.
Eehhhh rng is starting to creep in. Recent bosses and mistranslation issues mean that you can get wiped in the first turn befor being able to do anything (beezelbub and immediately stacking evey debuff in the game and then leaving you with 1 for him to hit you with another attack at the same turn, insta dead.) And you never find out why they had such an attack or got to go again. It's not a puzzle or something to solve it's just insta killed and no reason why. The combat log doesn't explain.
Poor translations aside, this deck building game is a blast!
Resolution needs manual adjustment. Blackshark 2 here, the game screen got cropped on the sides. Also it lags a lot during battle. Like it can not utilize phone performance properly.
Awesome rol card game!
a good deckbuilder with a wonky translation making it hard to fully read card effects
Cool and Good
fun deckbuilding game